Online Marine Engineering is an internet based engineering service for the Marine and Offshore industry. The service acts as en interface between state of the art Marine simulation software and the user by offering tailor made simulations models and an interface to operate the model over the internet using your standard web browser. Output of the model will be a nice and readible report, ready with all results, code checking and conclusions and available within minutes.

Online Marine Engineering can develop tailor made simulation models for almost all maritime offshore objects and operations, e.g.:

  • Maritime objects like; Transport barges, Floating jackets, Spars, Semi-submersibles, Crane barges. fixed platforms, TLPS's etc.
  • Maritime Operations like; ballast operations, mooring operations, offshore lift operations, lowering analysis, launch and upend, Transports, positioning,.
  • Analysis like: Multibody analysis. Bollard pull analysis, mooring capacity, stability analysis, Launch simulations, upend simulations, frequency domain motion, Workability and Down-Time Analysis. All analysed for waves, wind and current forces.

Backbone of the service is the state of the art Marine simulation and analysis software tool MOSES from UltraMarine Inc.

Available Models
The following models have been developed and are available for online use.
    Marine Transport Analysis

This analysis will perform a full Marine Transport analysis of an offshore barge transportation.The analysis uses a 3-D model of the barge including ballast compartments and can be loaded with various cargo items. The transport analysis will perform various guideline rule checks regarding stability, longitudinal loading and minimum bollard pull. The transport analysis complies with the Noble Denton and DNV transport guidelines.

The TRANSPORT Model is available as a standard service for all users. Based on this template a client specific model can be developed and put online for exclusive use.
Learn more about Transport Analysis....
    Bollard Pull and tow speed Analysis

This analysis will determine the minimum required bollard pull and the estimated tow speed of a barge under tow. The analysis uses a 3-D model of the barge and computes the wave load using 3-D Diffraction and the wind and current drag using the Morrison equation. Up to five towing tugs can be defined and the barge can be loaded with various cargo items. The minimum bollard pull analysis complies with the Noble Denton and DNV guidelines.

The BOLLARD Model is available as a standard service for all users. Based on this template a client specific model can be developed and put online for exclusive use.
Learn more about Bollard Analysis....
    Mooring Dynamic Analysis
    This analysis will perform a full 3-D frequency domain Dynamic Mooring Analysis. The dynamic model will assess the dynamic behaviour of the full mooring spread and will determine limiting wave conditions based on line tension and anchor capacity limits..
The Mooring Model is available as a standard service for all users. Based on this template a client specific model can be developed and put online for exclusive use.
Learn more about Mooring Analysis....
    General Lift Dynamic Analysis (Under Development)
    This analysis will perform a full 3-D frequency domain Dynamic Lift Analysis. The lift dynamic model will assess the dynamic behaviour of the lift system during the various stages of the lift and will determine limiting wave conditions for the operation based on a set of operational limits. Furthermore the model will produce workability numbers based on the wave scatter diagram for the season and location of the operation.
The Lift Dynamic Model isnot yet available as a standard service for all users. Based on this template a client specific model can be developed and put online for exclusive use.
Learn more about Dynamic Lift Analysis....

The transport and mooring analysis online and you can start using it within a few minutes. Go to My Account to get an account and follow the instructions.

Payment will be per analysis, so you do not need to pay any subscription or start fee to use this service, and there are no further obligations.

The costs of the service can be found under Services


Try the DEMO account
A demo version of the Transport and Mooring Service is online. You can try this service for free, go to User Login and login as Demo with password Demo.