How it works
When you are ready to use Online Marine Engineering, please contact the support team. They will open an account for you. The Online Analysis Service will be paid for by vouchers or you can buy a subscription on the models. When the account is setup, you will receive an Login Name and a password. Now you can log-in and go to Online Analysis where you will find the available analysis. Here you select the analysis you want and a form will appear to enter the data for your analysis. On submit, this data will be sent to the server were the input file for the analysis will be generated. Then the analysis is executed on the server using the applicable software. When ready the report file will be send directly to the user. Since every step of this process is automated, response time will be very small. Setting up an account will only take a few minutes, and the analysis report is directly available after the run is done.

Service Levels

The standard service is direct available for everyone over the internet en includes a transport model and a mooring model. The analysis can be done with a general barge with user defined main dimensions or one of the standard barges form the default list. The summary report of all analysis include the basis of design, model description and the conclusion of the analysis. The full report includes all numerical results and supporting plots of the analysis.

On request we can modify the standard models and put them online for your exclusive use.

Special Service
This service is free to design by the user. Any analysis type can be setup, and made available for exclusive use. The user will have full control over the analysis. Contact Marine Online Engineering for further information.

The following table present the costs based on a pay per run of the Transport Model:

Standard Service Payment Costs  
Floatation Analysis 1 Voucher


Full Stability Analysis 8 Vouchers €443.60 Includes Flotation Analysis
Full Transport Analysis 21 Vouchers €1164.45 Includes Full Stability and Motion Analysis
Additional Barge Model Invoice €1,200,- Building of a barge model base on client provided data
Special Service Invoice

on request


Costs of other models can be provided on request.

This service can also be made available on the basis of a time lease. Details can be provided on request.